Ethanol producer's pollution may go up
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The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality will host a public hearing regarding the permit tomorrow at 5:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson Middle School.
Under the new permit, emissions from the ethanol plant would go down slightly, but a separate operation involving two gas-fired boilers would add significantly to air pollution, said Sparky Lisle, permit writer for the Department of Environmental Quality, the recipient of the application.
Lisle added that the pollution increase won't be a health hazard. "The plant will stay under the 100 tons of pollutants per year that it is permitted to release," he said.
In 2007, the most recent year available, 6 million pounds of chemicals were released in Hopewell, compared to 5.7 million pounds of chemicals in 2006. In 2004, 3.87 million pounds of chemicals were released, compared to 4.63 millions of pounds in 2003.
A 2006 study by the DEQ — released in March — concluded that the chemical pollution in Hopewell's air still meet all safety criteria. However, a second report dealing with possible health risks stemming from air pollution is still pending and will not be released before September.
The local citizen group Hopewell Clean Air Network challenged the DEQ's findings by presenting its own test results. "During our own testing, we have found 10 chemicals in Hopewell's air that the DEQ did not even attempt to identify in their study," said Jim Gould, the group's spokesperson. Gould is also concerned that the DEQ's criteria for permittable air pollution is long outdated and needs to be modernized. "The standards are way too low," he said.
In September, City Point resident Debbie Randolph teamed up with her neighbor Linda Jones to file an appeal against the air quality permit for Osage to operate the plant on the industrial site on La Prade Avenue. "At City Point, we are subjected to enough odors and toxic chemicals from the existing plants," Randolph said. "Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep because of the strong smell."
Randolph insists that she has no problem with biofuel. "Ethanol is not the issue here," she said. "We are concerned because the DEQ has not yet finally determined the air quality in Hopewell. Until that happens, all plans for new plants should be put on hold."
Randolph and Jones attended the first hearings last fall and did some of their own research. "We found that with the already existing plants, we don't meet the clean air quality standards anymore," she said. Both women decided to do everything in their power to stop the construction of the ethanol plant.
Randolph and Jones filed their appeal on Oct. 1, directed at DEQ director David Paylor. "As significantly affected persons representing the hundreds of Hopewell citizens suffering from respiratory illnesses, heart disease and/or cancer, we request a formal hearing in order to appeal the Sept. 3, 2008, decision by the Department of Environmental Quality to grant an air quality permit to Osage Bio Energy, LLC," they wrote.
The appeal focused on the emission of ozone. "Even though the Environmental Protection Agency lowered the ozone limits for localities to no more than 75 parts per billion, many cities including Hopewell did not meet the old standards, never mind these new ones," the appeal said. "Effects of ground-level ozone include inflamed respiratory tracts, worsened cardiovascular disease, asthma, and even premature death."
Randolph and Jones also warned of other toxic chemicals. "Hopewell currently has the distinction of being the third worst toxic chemical emitter in the entire state of Virginia, and within less than 7 miles of the second highest emitter in the state. Adding more toxic chemicals into the air, even from a minor source, will significantly impact the citizens of Hopewell and the air quality. The Osage plant will be emitting high levels of not just ozone, but other toxic chemicals that can potentially impact the health of the citizens of Hopewell."
Both women have since been in constant contact with DEQ representatives. "They have been very good and helpful to work with," Randolph said.
But as of now, the DEQ has put the appeal on hold because of Osage's recent application to make significant changes to their original plan.
On Feb. 24, DEQ received the revised permit application, dated Feb. 24, to construct a 68.2 million-gallon-per-year un-denatured ethanol and distiller's grain production facility. Emissions units to be constructed under the revised permit include two natural gas-fired boilers, a barley hull pelletizer process and a carbon dioxide recovery plant option.
The existing permitted equipment has also undergone extensive resizing and modifications in an effort to optimize plant operations. Major changes are the three dryers in the existing permit, which are being replaced with two dryers of a different design, and a number of thermal oxidizers are being replaced by a single, larger unit.
"The plant will stay the same size as far as its production output goes," Lisle said. "But Osage wants to add the ability to produce their own steam, instead of purchasing it from local cogeneration plants," he said. "They also want to process barley a different way than originally planned."
Lisle said the new hearing tomorrow is standard procedure. "We want to receive comments from citizens on the draft permit," he said. In the meantime, Randolph's and Jones's appeal is being held pending the outcome of the recent permit action. "When this is done, we'll decide what to do," Lisle said.
Osage officials could not be reached for comment.
Randolph said that she hopes that many residents will attend the hearing and voice their protest. "No new toxic polluter should be allowed to come to Hopewell," she said.
But the women may be fighting an uphill battle. Groundbreaking for the $150 million plant was in October, and Osage plans to launch production in May 2010. The city of Hopewell is already counting on a new source of income — Osage wants to create a total of 50 jobs and $2.19 million in tax revenue every year.
• Markus Schmidt may be reached at 722-5172 or